Two weeks ago, I got out of the shower late in the morning. Ollie yelped in pain as Ly rushed passed him, so I picked him up and was horrified to see that his ear leather was almost cut in half! I yelled for dear husband and he took him off to the vet. The air conditioning men had been over the day before putting in our new furnace and AC and I have no idea if he was somehow injured by nosing around their things or if Ly is responsible. Poor baby. He hates his cone. He is truly miserable. The good news is that his stitches come out and his cone comes off today.
Miserable Ollie Frame from Brave Little Patient Add On by Unforgettable Moments |
Isn't that little blue frame adorable? It's from a add-on kit that Unforgettable Moments is giving away on her
blog. Here are some close-up photos showing his sad, sad face and his poor, poor ear.
Ollie Fonts: Rough Typewriter and Rubber Stamp |
I used this great new kit by Unforgettable Moments to make these pages. Here is the kit preview for Brave Little Patient:
The kit comes with this word art package:
And Unforgettable Moments is giving away a free mini kit on her
Your poor furbaby! We have a new puppy this year and I can't even tell you how much we've already spent in vet bills for the various things he's gotten into!